A KEIGHLEY organisation is renovating its base – with help from the Towns Fund.

Keighley Healthy Living has received £95,000 from the Government pot to revamp its Scott Street centre.

The refurbishment – which should take around two months to complete – will include the creation of a new 'welcome space' and community room, and a redesign of the garden to make it fully wheelchair accessible.

Users of the centre, which has been home to the health and wellbeing organisation for 17 years, were consulted on what changes they would like to see.

The building is used by about 500 people a week for a range of activities including yoga, dance fitness, tai chi and classes covering topics such as drawing and painting, gardening, British Sign Language and IT support.

Also, projects focusing on pain management, lifestyle change, building social connections and support for young parents are delivered.

"We are supporting more people than ever before and it's so important for us to have a space which not only facilitates what we do but creates a sense of community," says Melanie Hey, Keighley Healthy Living's chief executive officer.

"We run a huge programme of really well attended classes, including approximately 18 exercise sessions in the community each week.

"People come here for all kinds of reasons, at different points in their lives, and find it a really special place to be so we are excited to be able to reflect that in the way the building looks and feels."

She adds: "Bradford Council has supported us in helping to find alternative locations to hold classes while work is underway.

"We will be making sure our reception stays open throughout so that users can still call in if they want to.

"We’re excited for the new changes and hoping to do the community proud. The building is now owned by Keighley Healthy Living and we’ve stipulated that it must always be used for the community, so creating this incredible space will be a legacy for the people of Keighley for a long time to come."

Ian Hayfield, chair of Keighley Towns Fund, says: "It is great to see the grants make such a difference to the lives of people in the area."

And Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw, Bradford Council’s portfolio holder for regeneration, planning and transport, says: "Supporting organisations like Keighley Healthy Living through the Towns Fund has such a positive impact."