THERE was a buzz in the air at Cliffe Castle Support Group's latest event.

The group staged a bee walk in the grounds of the Keighley museum.

Thirty-five people took part in the event, led by Val Preston.

Participants learned how to net a bee safely, transfer it to an observation pot, carry out identification and release it.

Also, information was provided about the insects' habits, such as what they drink, and how people can help them.

"Great fun was had spotting bees on various flowers and plants," said a group spokesperson. "The greatest number was found in the orchard area, which is part of the pollinator highway and contains wildflower beds and a 'bee seat' – Val described how important such things are for the future of bees and other pollinators."

Five different species were identified.

Equipment for the event was funded through Bradford Council’s Cleaner Streets Fund.

The walk was the latest in a series staged by Cliffe Castle Support Group. Others have included bird and bat walks, and the next will be a 'bush walk' in the autumn, when people can learn about trees in the park.

For more about the group, email or visit