A KEIGHLEY group resumes its activities next month following the summer break.

Keighley Third Age Group – U3A – restarts on Wednesday, September 6, with a meeting at Action Point, in Temple Street, at 10am.

The speaker will be Alan Pugh, on a cycle journey along the Leeds and Liverpool Canal towpath.

Admission is £2, including tea/coffee and biscuits.

"If you are not a member you're more than welcome to come along and see what we are all about," said a group spokesperson.

Further information can be obtained from David Boddy on 07976 799527.

U3A is open to retired and semi-retired people.

In addition to its monthly meetings, the Keighley group has a number of sub-groups which cover a variety of topics and interests.

They include art appreciation, history of England, tai chi, circle dancing and French conversation, plus English, quiz and Scrabble groups.

There is also an acoustic folk group, Kelfolk.

UK-wide, the U3A movement has over 430,000 members.

More details can be found at u3asites.org.uk/keighly.