A 'KNOW Your Numbers' plea has been issued by regional health chiefs.

West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership is behind the message, in support of a campaign encouraging people to better understand and control their blood pressure.

The partnership says high blood pressure – also known as hypertension – is a major risk factor behind heart disease, strokes and other cardiovascular conditions.

But despite this, many people are unaware of their blood pressure status.

Emily Turner, cardiovascular disease prevention clinical lead for the partnership, says: "Helping people to understand and control their blood pressure is one of the most important things we can do to support them to live longer, healthier lives. Encouraging people to ‘know your numbers’ is one simple way to improve the health of all who live in West Yorkshire.

"Many community pharmacies offer blood pressure checks, and people should attend their NHS health check when invited."

West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership is working with several other organisations to promote the message.

Further information about blood pressure and ways of lowering it can be found on the website of Blood Pressure UK, at bloodpressureuk.org. It includes advice on exercise and activity, healthy eating and weight management.