PEOPLE across the Keighley district are being urged not to "carry the worry of cancer".

Regional health chiefs say some people are ignoring potential symptoms, or delaying getting them checked out, for fear of bad news.

But NHS bosses stress that anyone with concerns should contact their GP practice straightaway.

Dr Faisel Baig, a GP and the region's medical director for primary care, says: "We know that many people worry about cancer, but sometimes put off getting checked because they hope the symptoms will go away, or fear that they will get bad news.

"It’s important that if you are worried about a symptom which could be cancer, or if something in your body doesn’t feel right, to contact your GP practice.

"To rule out cancer, your GP may refer you for tests. It could turn out to be nothing serious at all, but finding cancer early makes it more treatable and can save lives.

"Whatever the result, your NHS is here for you."

Dr Baig was speaking as a new national campaign was launched encouraging people not to ignore possible symptoms.

Using the slogan 'Don’t carry the worry of cancer with you', the Help Us Help You initiative is promoting the message through TV and radio and online.

It is also urging family members to prompt loved ones to contact their GP practice if they're concerned something could be cancer.

Research has found that 53 per cent of people worry about cancer every few months or more, and that two-thirds would speak to friends and family before anyone else if they were concerned about having the disease. The survey was conducted last September amongst 2,000 people nationally.

Dr Baig says signs and symptoms of cancer can vary.

They may include:

• Breathlessness

• Frequent infections

• Unexplained night sweats, weight loss or bruising

• Blood in your poo or pee, even just the once

• An unexplained lump anywhere on the body

• Unexpected or unexplained bleeding such as from your bottom, or blood when you cough or in your vomit

And for three weeks or more:

• A new cough or a change in an existing cough

• Tummy trouble, such as discomfort or diarrhoea

• Feeling tired and unwell and not sure why

• Heartburn or indigestion

• Unusual, pale or greasy poo

Further information about the signs and symptoms of cancer can be found at