TRAIN operator Northern – which runs services on the Airedale line – is urging passengers to report any unwanted sexual behaviour.

The company has supported the creation of a short film highlighting types of behaviour that are unacceptable, including cat calling, up-skirting, cyber flashing and touching.

Northern worked with British Transport Police, Network Rail and students from Bradford City Community Foundation on the initiative.

In July, British Transport Police relaunched its Railway Guardian app, which enables users to report crimes or concerns on the rail network, share journeys with trusted contacts and get access to support.

Kerry Peters, for Northern, says: "Unwanted sexual behaviour can happen anywhere and people need to feel empowered to report it.

"Like all public areas, the railway is not immune to this behaviour, which is why we wanted to support the film project.

"We need to look out for one another, and the Railway Guardian app helps get information about unwanted sexual behaviour to the police quickly."

The app is available to download from Google Play and the Apple App Store.

To watch the film, go to

British Transport Police can be contacted by text on 61016 or by calling 0800 40 50 40.