A KEIGHLEY opticians is among just 12 practices UK-wide chosen to take part in the launch of a groundbreaking new treatment.

Airedale Opticians is offering what's known as low-level red-light therapy, a home treatment for children who are short-sighted, or myopic.

The aim is to slow the progression of myopia.

Children use the Eyerising Myopia Management Device twice a day, for three minutes, five days a week.

Research has shown the therapy slows myopia by as much as 87 per cent, and in some instances reverses it.

Mohammed Hafejee, optometrist at Airedale Opticians, which has practices in Keighley and Cross Hills, says: "We were delighted to be selected to take part in the launch and are excited about the treatment.

"Predictions are that by 2050 half of children will be short-sighted. With this new treatment we hope to reduce the risk of myopia leading to problems which could become a cause of blindness in later life.

"When a child is diagnosed with myopia, taking steps to slow its progression from an early stage becomes imperative. The sooner myopia is managed, the greater the likelihood of preserving long-term vision and ensuring a high quality of life as they transition into adulthood."