TWO social workers with Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust are finalists in a prestigious national awards scheme.

Kelly Bentley-Simon and James Hussain are both vying for accolades in the Social Worker of the Year Awards.

Kelly is shortlisted in the category for newly-qualified children’s social workers.

A trust spokesperson says: "Kelly is renowned for her passion and drive in meeting the needs of the people she supports, and often goes above and beyond to make a difference.

"She is person-centred, using professional knowledge alongside lived experience to provide excellent personalised care to young people and the families she works with. This is reflected in the positive feedback she receives."

James is a finalist in the newly-qualified adult social worker category.

The spokesperson said: "James is known for his ‘can-do’ attitude and regularly thinks outside of the box to find creative ways to support people with mental health conditions.

"As lead social worker in the district nursing team, he has developed an innovative bootcamp initiative for people in the community, enabling them to take part in activities that are having a positive impact on both their physical and mental health."

The awards ceremony takes place in London on November 3.