EAST Morton Primary School has struck gold.

It has achieved a coveted national quality mark – the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) Gold Standard.

The award follows a rigorous review by a visiting verifier at the end of the summer term.

In a subsequent report, the school was commended for its "strong moral ethos" which was "modelled around love".

Headteacher, Anne Proctor, said she was delighted with the award.

She added: "We are incredibly proud of our school community and our rich SMSC offer.

"Staff go above and beyond to promote the personal development of our children.

"Special thanks go to Kate Borrill, who has led our SMSC award journey with huge enthusiasm."

Mrs Borrill said: "I'm delighted that our school approach to SMSC has been recognised and celebrated. It is testament to the hard work of our staff and how SMSC is threaded throughout our curriculum and values."