A PUBLIC meeting is being held as part of a campaign to restore a community's healthcare provision.

Steeton Health Centre is currently only open two mornings a week.

A petition launched by an action group earlier this year, calling for services to be restored at the Modality-run centre, was signed by over 800 people.

And a public consultation has been held, including an online questionnaire and community engagement events.

In total, 331 questionnaires were completed.

The results will be shared at the public meeting, at Steeton Methodist Church Hall on Thursday, October 19, at 7pm.

Amongst those invited to attend are representatives of the district's health and care partnership and Modality, parish councillors and MP Robbie Moore.

Action group chair Veronica Mellor urges residents to go along.

She says: "We had a fabulous response to our community-wide campaign, online questionnaire and engagement events.

"Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond.

"The information has been analysed and the results will be shared at the meeting.

"Please show your solidarity for the campaign by attending.

"You will have the opportunity to ask questions directly to those responsible for the quality and delivery of primary health care in this community."