AN event was staged in Keighley as part of an initiative to raise awareness of hate crime.

A pop-up information stall was held in the Airedale Shopping Centre, together with a series of activities across the Bradford district and other parts of West Yorkshire.

The venture, which involved organisations including Bradford Council and the police, was to mark Hate Crime Awareness Week.

Hate crimes are defined as an offence perceived by the victim or any other person to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on the victim’s disability, race, religion, gender identity or sexual orientation.

Latest figures show that reports of hate incidents in the Bradford district fell by 3.62 per cent in the 12 months up to May this year, a trend mirrored across the region.

Councillor Abdul Jabar, Bradford Council's portfolio holder for neighbourhoods and community safety, says: "This was a very full and varied programme of activities and a great reflection of how the council and partners work together to raise awareness and strive to educate people about hate crime, and promote better understanding across all our communities."

Alison Lowe, West Yorkshire's deputy mayor for policing and crime, took part in an information event in Leeds to mark the culmination of the region-wide campaign.

She said: "Hate Crime Awareness Week may have finished for this year but our message is clear – there's no place for hate in West Yorkshire at any time.

"It was fantastic to be joined by so many organisations in taking a stand and encouraging anyone affected by these issues to get help.

"We know it’s a difficult time for many so it is even more important that hate crime is tackled. If you’ve been a victim please report it, to the police or to any of the third-party reporting centres across West Yorkshire."

Sgt Richard Cotton, for West Yorkshire Police, says: "Hate crime can have a devastating impact on the victim but also on the wider community. We take reports extremely seriously.

"If you have experienced hate crime or an incident then please report it in any way you feel comfortable. By the police being made aware of an incident, we can deal with it and potentially prevent the same thing happening to someone else."

Incidents can be reported online at, or call 101.

Alternatively, people can use an independent hate crime reporting centre. Go to for details.