A KEIGHLEY organisation has received a £10,500 boost.

Keighley Association for Women and Children’s Centre is among seven beneficiaries in the latest round of large arts, culture and heritage grants awarded by Bradford Council.

Recipients shared a total pot of £74,000.

The association applied for the funding to run a 36-week project which will enable 50 South Asian women to explore the creative use of calligraphy in their culture and develop their skills in the art form.

Some of the work produced will be used to decorate an extension to the centre, due to be built next year.

The grants scheme's shortlisting panel praised the variety of applications received.

Councillor Sarah Ferriby, Bradford Council’s executive member for healthy people and places, says: "As the district builds up towards our year as UK City of Culture in 2025, it’s incredible to see the growth and range of applications that are coming forward to deliver unique cultural and heritage activities.

"By working with communities, the projects will enable opportunities for the continued growth in the district’s cultural ecology to support new talent development and community engagement and promote health and wellbeing through the arts."

For more about the grants scheme, visit bradford.gov.uk/arts-and-culture/funding/arts-culture-and-heritage-grants.