PEOPLE across the district are being urged to learn the risk factors associated with diabetes.

Healthcare bosses are striving to raise awareness and understanding of the condition.

West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership is launching its initiative in support of World Diabetes Day.

The theme of the global campaign this year is Preventing Diabetes: It's About You.

In West Yorkshire, just over 159,400 people are registered as having type 2 diabetes, with a further 160,500 deemed to be at risk.

Hannah Beba, consultant pharmacist for the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership diabetes programme, says: "Preventing type 2 diabetes is about acting now to make a difference for your health in the years ahead. We want to help people know their risk and support them to access diabetes screening.

"Although there are factors which contribute to diabetes that we can’t alter, people can reduce their risk significantly with some small lifestyle changes. These changes can also reduce the risk of other diseases such as cardiovascular illnesses and certain cancers.

"Doing more exercise, eating healthier meals and managing mental wellbeing can all help improve physical health and reduce the risk of someone developing a long-term condition like diabetes.

"The partnership is committed to working with people living with the risk of diabetes to understand more about how best to support them to reduce those risks and help them manage their health."

Sarah De Biase, manager of the partnership's diabetes programme, says everybody can help tackle the issue and provide help.

She adds: "Every one of us can do more to support those living with diabetes by ensuring positive interactions, which can in turn lead to more positive outcomes.

"If we take time to appreciate the impact diabetes has on those with the condition, this would no doubt motivate more people to take responsibility for reducing their own risk – and that of others, including children – of developing diabetes. We must work together to support those living with diabetes, through empowering individuals to self-manage and being fully inclusive.

"World Diabetes Day serves as a reminder that everyone can play a crucial role in reducing the risk of diabetes and improving the quality of life for those living with the condition."

Activities being held as part of the venture include an information day at Keighley's Airedale Shopping Centre next Wednesday (November 15), from 10.30am to 2.30pm.

For more about diabetes, including risk factors, visit