A HOST of advice will be on offer at a 'Baby Day' in Keighley town centre.

The event takes place at the Airedale Shopping Centre next Thursday (November 16), between 9.30am-noon.

There will be a range of health information, baby weighing provision, breastfeeding advice and details of how parents can access free books for their child.

Also, teams from GP surgeries will be present to chat with visitors about the importance of immunisations ahead of winter.

Dr Phillippa Smith, of Modality AWC, says: "Baby Day is a great chance to get your baby checked out, and with measles cases rising in the UK it is really important that young families have access to all the help and support available locally – and that young children are up to date with their immunisations. We can help with that on the day.

"Please come along to the Airedale Shopping Centre and see us."