A CHRISTMAS craft class is being staged at Airedale Hospital.

The session, in the hospital restaurant, C30, on November 30, between 5.30pm-7.30pm, will include making Christmas cards and hanging decorations.

Airedale Hospital and Community Charity is organising the class, in conjunction with Been Busy Crafting.

The cost is £20, which includes a Starbucks drink and £5 donation to the charity.

Places must be booked by November 24. Email anhsft.charity@nhs.net or call 01535 294870.

* The charity is staging a festive fair at Skipton Town Hall on Saturday, November 25, from 11am-3pm, featuring a range of stalls.

Proceeds are for the hospital Emergency Department Appeal.

Laura Hepworth, community fundraiser for the charity, says: "This is a lovely opportunity to buy Christmas presents whilst supporting local retailers."