A HAWORTH woman's 30th annual coffee day in aid of Manorlands raised over £4,000.

Kath Neal staged the event at her Dimples Lane home, helped by family and friends.

Attractions included cakes, bric-a-brac, a tombola and raffle.

Since Kath started the initiative, she has coined-in more than £70,000 for the Oxenhope Sue Ryder hospice.

She says: "I would like to thank everyone for supporting the event over the years, and for helping everything come together on the day.

"Whether it’s baking cakes, donating items, helping set up or volunteering – and of course coming along – everyone is so kind and it all helps us to donate these valuable funds to Manorlands."

Hayley Ibbotson, senior community fundraiser at the hospice, says: "Kath and her family have once again raised a fantastic sum and everyone at Manorlands is incredibly grateful for her dedication to supporting us over the last 30 years."