PEOPLE across the Bradford district eligible for a free flu jab or a vaccination against Covid-19 are being urged to come forward.

Latest figures show that regionally, more than 1.8 million Covid jabs and 2.4 million flu vaccines have been delivered to those most at risk of becoming seriously ill with the viruses this winter.

But NHS chiefs say that many more people eligible for a jab are still to book an appointment.

They add that "thousands" of slots are available via the national booking service.

Dr Yvette Oade, regional medical director for NHS England, says: "Whilst this time of year sees many of us hunting for bargains around Black Friday or Cyber Monday, many people have yet to take up one of the best deals of all ā€“ a free NHS winter vaccination!

"With thousands of vaccine slots awaiting booking, Iā€™d urge eligible individuals to book without delay and give themselves the best possible protection against serious illness or hospitalisation before the run-up to Christmas festivities.

"The vaccination will provide you with vital protection as you celebrate Christmas and the new year with family and friends."

People can book at, via the NHS app or by calling 119.