MANORLANDS has once again benefited from the proceeds of an annual show and sale of lambs.

The event, staged at Skipton Auction Mart by Addingham & District Sheep Breeders Association, raised £3,560 for the Oxenhope Sue Ryder hospice.

Since its inception, the fixture – now in its 17th year – has coined in nearly £65,000.

At the latest event, more than 20 lambs were donated for sale by farmers.

And Craven Cattle Marts, which runs the auction site, waived its usual commission fees.

The hospice also shared in the proceeds of charity auctions staged last month alongside the 16th annual Christmas primestock shows.

Manorlands’ senior community fundraiser for the Craven area, Adam Brunskill, whose grandparents were farmers, says: "A huge 'thank you' goes to Addingham & District Sheep Breeders Association and Craven Cattle Marts for again raising a fantastic amount at their annual shows. This will help us continue to be there for people, both at Manorlands and in the community, when it matters most.

"At Manorlands we are not only extremely grateful for, but also very proud of, the support we receive from the farming community and the Addingham Sheep Breeders and Craven Cattle Marts epitomise that support year-on-year."