PLANS to build a detached bungalow in the garden of a property at Cowling have been refused permission – despite attempts by the ward councillor to get them approved.

Councillor Andy Brown, who represents Aire Valley, moved approval of the application at the Skipton and Ripon planning meeting of North Yorkshire Council.

Speaking at the meeting, held in Skipton, Cllr Brown said he disagreed with a recommendation made by officers to refuse the plans at Mill Cottage on the grounds of highways safety, impact on the conservation area, amenity and the site being in a high-risk flood area.

Cllr Brown said in his opinion, the proposed building was out of sight and far from have a negative impact on the conservation area, would actually improve it.

He was also unconvinced of its flood risk rating and said an alternative access could be used by residents of the new home to avoid a difficult junction onto Colne Road.

But Skipton member Cllr Robert Heseltine said he could see no environmental benefit from the application and could see a lot of highways issues.

A vote to approve the application was lost and members went along with the officers' recommendation to refuse consent.