MORE than 13,500 Covid-19 vaccinations were given across West Yorkshire in the opening week of the NHS spring campaign.

The programme initially focused on residents in adult care homes and eligible housebound patients.

Now it has been opened up to all adults aged 75 and over, and children and adults with weakened immune systems.

Those eligible are being urged to book a vaccination slot via the NHS website – at – or app, or by calling 119.

A number of pharmacies and GP surgeries are offering appointments until the end of June, and there are also walk-in clinics.

Dr James Thomas, a GP and medical director of NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board, says: "It’s good to see the number of bookings already made as part of the spring campaign.

"However, people are still being hospitalised and some have severe illnesses so I encourage everyone who is eligible to book their vaccination to ensure they've the best protection.

"Don’t rely on previous Covid-19 vaccinations or boosters to protect you. We know that immunity fades after about six months.

"You can book an appointment easily via the NHS app, by calling 119 for free or visiting the NHS website."