SOME hard-working councillors lost their seats in the election not because of local issues, but because of the conflict in Gaza.

Local elections are about our own council and how that council is managed, not international issues.

How does this vote for Gaza, serious as that situation is, actually help the council tax payers of Bradford and Keighley?

We have financial constraints, with reduced public recycling points and a myriad of services running at the minimum level. So tell me independents, how concerned are you for our own area? We need people able and willing to concentrate on local matters, not on a conflict which they can do absolutely nothing about.

Urban regeneration, our polluted environment, care of our elderly and services for young people and children should be a priority at local elections.

If you are concerned about the international situation as I am, surely the time for these issues is a national election – getting elected to the local council is not a protest about Gaza.

Your focus on international issues is an abdication of responsibility for Keighley and Bradford as a whole.

Sorry to say I feel like reiterating the famous saying, "Pity poor Bradford" – this was at a time of civil war.

Do the right thing and concentrate on our local issues.

Helen Hallam, Oakworth