A DISTRICT care trust has a new public governor for Keighley.

Connor Brett is amongst seven new governors elected to Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust.

The others are Aurangzeb Khan, Bradford East; Umar Ghafoor, Bradford South; Imran Khan and Emmerson Walgrove, Bradford West; Paul Hodgson, Shipley, and Michael Lodge, rest of England.

Two serving governors, in Bradford East, were re-elected – Mufeed Ansari and Michael Frazer.

Fran Stead, secretary of the trust board, says: "We’re excited to welcome our new governors, who bring a wealth of experience to the trust and will play a vital role in representing our members and communities.

"I’d like to thank all the candidates who put their names forward, and everyone who voted."

To contact your governor, email ft@bdct.nhs.uk