PUPILS at a Keighley school shone in an initiative celebrating the 90th anniversary of the town's Soroptimist club.

Eastwood Community School children were the winners of an art and poetry competition organised by the group.

Club president Susan Bartlett, who with a colleague attended a special assembly to present the prizes, says: "We were very impressed with the high standard of the children's work.

"The poems really got to the heart of Soroptimism, and the inspirational artwork captured the ethos of the organisation beautifully."

A spokesperson for the school said: "We have a long-standing partnership with Soroptimist International, an organisation with a mission to make the world a better place for women and children.

"Each club aims to achieve this goal through raising awareness, advocacy and action within different project areas – including learning opportunities, environmental sustainability, economic empowerment, food security and healthcare, and violence and conflict resolution.

"We're looking forward to continuing to work in partnership with Soroptimists in Keighley, as well as a range of other community organisations, in the future."

Over the years, Keighley Soroptimists have supported a wide range of projects and organisations across the area, from Airedale Hospital’s stroke unit to the Mothers of Eastwood.