AN outdoor swimming pool could be created as part of a £5m scheme.

Plans have been unveiled to transform a disused reservoir at the St Ives estate, Harden.

Behind the initiative is Yorkshire Swim Works, a community interest company, which is seeking to attract investment for its proposals.

The group had previously hoped to create the facility at Thornton Moor, near Denholme, but was outbid at a site auction.

Now a public consultation has begun over locating the venture on the St Ives estate, which is owned by Bradford Council.

Yorkshire Swim Works says the project would create jobs and boost the district's economy.

A spokesperson says: "The facility would deliver an accessible, inclusive safe swimming facility hidden in the existing disused reservoir.

"Naturally filtered, the pool would feature six lanes of 50m for swimming and aqua classes and a large lake area for dipping, splashing, swimming and more.

"Additional buildings would host saunas, rooms for classes such as yoga and pilates, a reception and changing rooms.

"Expected to attract £5m in social and private investment, the project would see the creation of over 20 full-time permanent jobs, 25 part-time permanent jobs and over 100 summer part-time jobs.

"We are predicting over 100,000 swims a year, plus more than 5,000 visitors to the area to stay in attached lodges, bringing tourist spend exceeding £2.45m.

"We will be looking to work with the public and the existing tenants and stakeholders of the St Ives estate to ensure that Yorkshire Swim Works benefits the entire community in a wider regeneration of the estate."

The scheme is welcomed by Kersten England, chair of Bradford Culture Company, the charitable organisation behind Bradford 2025.

She says: "We know how vital physical activity is for our health and wellbeing, and we know outdoor swimming is increasingly popular.

"I hope this facility will be enjoyed by Bradford district’s families and communities in the coming years – providing a place to come together, play together and create stories and memories that last a lifetime."

And Councillor Sarah Ferriby, Bradford Council's portfolio holder for healthy people and places, says: "Outdoor swimming has become an increasingly popular activity over recent years, but would-be swimmers suffer from a lack of facilities generally.

"Yorkshire Swim Works has brought forward an exciting proposal that would provide more people with an all-year-round, high-quality, safe and accessible facility. The project would provide much-needed new jobs and stimulate further interest and funding in the estate. The council at this stage is committed in principle to working with Yorkshire Swim Works to deliver the project and its health and employment benefits."

To have your say as part of the consultation, visit