LYNDA Kayley, 70, of Keighley, will this year celebrate six years of volunteering at Oxenhope Sue Ryder hospice Manorlands.

Here she shares her experiences ahead of National Volunteers' Week, which begins tomorrow (June 3):

Sue Ryder Manorlands hospice is so loved in the community. My grandma spent her final days there, my daughter-in-law used to work there and my granddaughter still does, so I have loads of connections to the hospice and think the work it does is just incredible.

One day I saw that the hospice was advertising for more volunteers, and I had recently retired and had a lot more free time. I wanted a reason to get out and put a nice dress and make up on, so I went for it! I volunteer on the reception, which is perfect for me because that’s what I used to do in my working life.

I volunteer on Wednesday evenings, and support the hospice by greeting visitors and answering the phones. You have to be good at reading situations when people are coming into the hospice and when they are leaving; some people are happy to have a chat and other people can be upset and you know it’s best to give them some space.

The most rewarding part of my role is being able to help the staff. The staff at Sue Ryder Manorlands hospice are just incredible. Everyone is so friendly and warm, and they are always checking in on me to make sure I am doing OK.

If there’s anyone that is currently thinking about volunteering, I would say do it – even by giving a few hours a month you would be helping. I feel so appreciated and I have made genuine friends from volunteering at the hospice. Sometimes you just want to give instead of take. It’ll be six years of volunteering in September, and I would recommend it to anyone.

* For further information about volunteering at Manorlands, contact Sue Ryder volunteer co-ordinator Andy Longden on