A CLASSIC Agatha Christie mystery is being performed in Keighley.

Spider's Web is the latest production at the town's playhouse.

It runs from Monday, June 17, until Saturday, June 22.

Director Mike Ellison says: "Spider's Web is one of Agatha Christie's most intriguing works, weaving a tale of suspense, secrets and surprise twists that promise to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

"I am excited to bring it to life at Keighley Playhouse.

"The cast's chemistry and dedication are sure to deliver a memorable and thrilling experience for our audiences.

"This production stars the talented Deborah Mouat in the leading role of Clarissa, a character whose quick thinking and wit become central to unravelling the mystery.

"Clarissa – the wife of a diplomat – is adept at spinning tales of adventure, but when a murder takes place in her drawing room she finds live drama much harder to cope with. Desperate to dispose of the body before her husband arrives with an important politician, she enlists the help of her guests to become accessories and accomplices. It seems that the murdered man was not unknown to certain members of the house party, and the search begins for the murderer and the motive. Hilarity ensues when they are interrupted by the arrival of wry detective Inspector Lord.

"With this conscious parody of the detective thriller, Christie delivers a unique blend of suspense and humour. There is tension and laughter in equal parts in an intricate plot of murder, police, drug addicts, invisible ink, hidden doorways and secret drawers."

Spider's Web premiered at the Savoy Theatre, in London's West End, on December 14, 1954. Presented by Peter Saunders and directed by Wallace Douglas, the play starred Margaret Lockwood and ran for 744 performances. It remains Agatha Christie's second longest-running play, after The Mousetrap.

Deborah says she's delighted to be taking on the role of Clarissa.

She adds: "Clarissa is a fascinating character, and it's a privilege to step into her shoes.

"Our cast has worked incredibly hard and we can't wait to share this gripping story with everyone."

Tickets for the production are available online, at ticketsource.co.uk/keighley-playhouse, or via the playhouse box office on 07599 890769.

Further information about the playhouse, in Devonshire Street, can be found at keighleyplayhouse.co.uk

The website includes details of productions coming up in the 2024-25 season, which opens in September with the comedy Sandcastles.