A SUMMER musical extravaganza is being staged in Keighley.

Hot Aire! Concert Band and Bradford Accordion Band are joining forces to present Walking on Sunshine, at Victoria Hall, on Saturday, July 13, 7.30pm.

The event – sponsored by Woodbank Garden Centre & Nurseries, at Harden – is to raise funds for the Oxenhope Sue Ryder hospice, Manorlands.

Tickets for the concert are £10, or £7.50 for under-16s.

Also, tables of ten can be reserved via bradfordaccordionband@gmail.com

Further information about the event can be found at hotaire.org

For tickets, go to trybooking.com/uk/DCHD

An online fundraising page has also been set up, at justgiving.com/page/hot-aire-1714564787798, where people who are unable to attend the event – but who would like to give their support – can make a donation.