A CHARITY steak night has served-up £2,250 for Manorlands.

The event was the fifth of its kind to be organised by farmer Michael Winchester.

Over 60 people attended the fundraiser, at Skipton restaurant The Curious Fox.

Since the steak nights began, around £7,250 has been coined-in for the Oxenhope Sue Ryder hospice.

Steaks for the latest event were donated by Ralph Pearson wholesale butchers – a regular buyer at Craven Cattle Mart Auctions, where Mr Winchester is a director.

The night included an auction, which alone raised £1,200. Amongst the lots was a meal and accommodation at The Curious Fox.

Andrew Wood, community fundraising manager at Manorlands, says: "All credit to Michael for again organising this successful fundraiser, which further cements our long-standing relationship with the farming community and Craven Cattle Mart Auctions, whose efforts continue to help us provide expert care both at the hospice and in the community."