A controversial plan to build 181 houses in a village has been withdrawn - but a new application is to be submitted.

Skipton Properties has dropped its application to build in Thornhill Road, at Steeton, after Bradford Council allegedly told the company its designs were not in keeping with the surrounding area.

But Skipton Properties has told the Keighley News that it will submit new plans within the next six weeks.

When it first drew up the designs, more than 150 residents gathered to voice their concerns. Many people believed the development site had been reserved for a new school.

Their worries ranged from overloading the current sewerage system to traffic congestion in Thornhill Road and the destruction of natural habitats.

Craven ward councillor Andrew Mallinson, who is leading a campaign on behalf of residents, said he would continue to fight the application.

He said: "The application as it was submitted was absolutely not in keeping with that particular area.

"My understanding is that there were so many things wrong with it that Bradford Council had to ask Skipton Properties to withdraw it.

"Things like the design of the buildings and the impact on the transport infrastructure were problems among many, but I now want to mount a campaign to hopefully retain the site as an open green field in the area.

"I hope, with the local community, to have an informed campaign."

But this could be a battle as the land has been designated for redevelopment under the Unitary Development Plan (UDP) for tens of years.

Chairman of Steeton-with-Eastburn Parish Council Councillor David Mullen said: "All we can say is that we stand by our objections to the site. But the land is down for development under the UDP - we have always known that.

"I have had my house for more than 30 years and we were told when we moved in that there would be housing on that site."

A Bradford Council spokesman confirmed the plans had been withdrawn. "This scheme has been withdrawn following negotiations with the agent and the applicant," he said.