Rev Dr J E Morgan-Wynne

Slack Lane Baptist Church, Oakworth writes

In the twenties of the first century, a fiery prophet called John was summoning the Jewish nation to turn back to God and rededicate its life to Him, by being baptised.

An unknown carpenter from Nazareth felt that this summons was right and that he should rededicate his life to God.

At his baptism in the river Jordan this Jesus had a momentous experience which catapulted him into a public ministry. At least three things may be said about Jesus’s experience.

(1) He had the assurance that his life was pleasing to God (“I am well pleased with you”). Christians believe that throughout his life, up to death, Jesus fully obeyed God and this distinguishes him from us and fits him to be our Saviour.

(2) He was assured of his relationship with God (“You are my beloved Son”). We know that Jesus addressed God as “Abba”, a term used by children and adults for their father. Its use by Jesus suggests a close and warm filial relationship with God.

(3) He experienced anew God’s Spirit upon him — the assurance of strength to do what God was calling him to do from now on in public — to proclaim God’s kingly, gracious rule.

This baptism of Jesus has great significance for us. When we turn to God in repentance for our failings and in faith in Jesus, then God graciously accepts and forgives us and draws us into a relationship with Him as Father. Secondly, through His Spirit God meets us, One able to help and empower us to live life as we should. So with the help of God’s Spirit, we set out on a way of life seeking to be like Jesus — obedient and pleasing to God.