Airedale Church writes

What’s the point? I want to share with you what I have discovered to be the answer to that eternal question.

There is more to our existence than first appears. When we die I am certain that, if we have chosen Christ, what awaits us is so glorious that we cannot comprehend it.

I do not fear death but I live with a God who is my best friend, protector and provider.

I have never seen or touched God but I have experienced his presence in ways you can only comprehend if you have been there.

God is as real as the keyboard I type this on. I am a scientist and can offer no proof but I don’t need physical evidence. The freedom this provides enables you to put the ways our society judges success: money, powerful jobs, intelligence into perspective. I love my gadgets but in the end they are just silicon and plastic.

I try to live by three principles from Micah: act justly, love mercy, walk humbly. I say I try but I regularly mess up.

Thankfully the greatest freedom is because of the cross I am forgiven. You can either write me off as a religious nut, or you can take some action. Take the former and God gives you that freedom. Take the latter and it will be the best decision you ever make.

It won’t solve problems but it will give you the freedom to solve them, with God, from a new perspective.