Steeton-with-Eastburn Parish councillors have renewed their pleas to police to halt speeding cars in Steeton and Eastburn.

Vehicles have soared above the speed limit in Thornhill Road, Chapel Road and Skipton Road.

Police community support officer Andrew Blood fielded complaints from councillors that not enough was being done to deter speeders and that community speed watches were flawed.

Parish council chairman, Councillor David Mullen, told PCSO Blood: “I saw a motorbike coming past the other day that was doing at least 90 mph. I have his registration number — I will give it to you.”

Councillor John Hargreaves agreed with the danger of speeding, and told PCSO Blood: “They are flying up and down — it is just ridiculous — and nothing is being done about it. You want to park outside the chapel because they are coming up the road there like nobody’s business.”

But PCSO Blood explained that the police couldn’t hide near the chapel to catch speeding motorists because they had to set up signs first warning drivers they were doing speed checks.

He said: “We have to wear high visibility jackets and put signs out, but I can zap them speeding from quite far away.”

Councillor Su Thompson said: “But then they just slow down.”

Councillor Hargreaves agreed, and advised: “No - don’t put the signs out.” But PCSO Blood said that the warning signs were a legal requirement.

Several councillors also renewed calls for more police presence in Steeton and Eastburn at night.