The wheels have been set in motion to improve parking access at Steeton and Silsden Railway Station.

Residents in the area have expressed frustration that the station car park is always full at off-peak times.

But Craven Ward councillor Andrew Mallinson confirmed at a meeting of Silsden Town Council last week that £500 in funding had been given by the area co-ordinator’s office to conduct a questionnaire of car park users, in a bid to improve the situation.

Cllr Mallinson said it was widely thought that commuters from Skipton and beyond drove to the station so they could pay reduced fares in a different zone.

But he said that theory was only notional at the moment and he needed proof to persuade railway bosses to extend the cheaper zone fare price to Skipton in a bid to free up space in the car park for local people.

He said: “The survey will ask where people have come from, where they are travelling to, what times and if they park at the car park.

“The Joint Transport Working Group has asked for a donation from Steeton with Eastburn Parish Council and Silsden Town Council because we thought it would be nice to get the support of the local councils in this but the money will only be used if it is necessary.”

Cllr Alison Coward asked when the survey would be done and questioned if people would have time to stop for a survey on their way to catch a train.

Cllr Mallinson said: “The questionnaire is being designed by a professional and will take 30 seconds to answer so people will have time.”

Silsden council agreed to donate £100 towards the survey.