SILSDEN have the honour of hosting the first Northern Counties East League Premier Division game of the season, as they entertain Bradford District rivals Albion Sports in a Bradford District derby tomorrow night.

Joint-manager Matt Cavanagh admits his side are “not where they want to be yet”, but he does think they can challenge towards the top this season, and that the calibre of those coming in from higher divisions, like Kyle Trennery, Adam Clayton and Ross Daly, shows the club has real appeal.

Assessing how things are looking on the eve of the season, Cavanagh told the Keighley News: “A couple of lads have stepped up from our West Yorkshire League side in Joe Snowden and Adam Hartley, so it’s good to see them to progress into the first team.

“We’ve recruited well too, but we’re not where I want us to be yet.

“We’ve got three or four lads out injured, and they’re all four or five-week jobs, when we signed them to play straightaway.

“It’s a tricky process at the moment, because you make a plan for the team and it goes out the window, but that why you have a squad, to keep everyone on their toes.”

Keighley News: Silsden's pathway from the West Yorkshire League side to the first team has been a cause for real promise over the last few years.Silsden's pathway from the West Yorkshire League side to the first team has been a cause for real promise over the last few years. (Image: Linda Gartland.)

Those aforementioned big-name signings came in for a very good reason, with Cavanagh saying: “The likes of Kyle, Ross and Adam bring a lot of experience.

“We had a good, young squad last season but physically we weren’t good enough and we needed that leap forward.

“It helps having contacts and friends within the game, so when those kind of players become available you can get them, but we’ve also told those lads about the project here.

“There are a lot of positives, with great facilities and a top coaching group.”

That positivity will be tested when Albion come to town tomorrow, with the club now back in Bradford, having ended last season well and bolstered their coaching staff.

Cavanagh said: “Friday night football? Why not? It’ll be really good to have a local derby to start off.

“I know their manager Rizzy (Riz Mohammed) well, and I’ve even played alongside him, so I know he’ll bring an Albion side that are well-drilled, want to win and will fight for everything.

“I respect him a lot and think it’s one of the toughest tests we could have.

“We’re a good side too though, and it’ll be a close game.

Keighley News: Albion Sports (yellow) have had a promising pre-season, so Matt Cavanagh is expecting a tough opening game.Albion Sports (yellow) have had a promising pre-season, so Matt Cavanagh is expecting a tough opening game. (Image: Alex Daniel.)

“Hopefully people will come down and take a look at the game with it being the season curtain-raiser too.

“It will give them chance to see what Silsden are about and I hope we have a good crowd, as it would be a good reward for those that work so hard behind the scenes at the club.”

Cavanagh exercised some caution on how he expects the season to go as a whole, saying: “I hope we can kick on and try and make the top-eight, and I see no reason why we can’t compete with those teams I expect to be to challenging for the title, like Campion, Hallam, Penistone Church and Garforth Town.

“But we have to work hard and focus on ourselves, as the teams can all beat each other in this division.

“It is a bit of a lottery still too at the moment, and I expect we’ll know a bit more after 12 games or so.”